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Starting5 Speak With Bulls’ Nate Robinson/Taj Gibson (VIDEO)

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If you’ve been following the NBA for a while you’ll know that Chicago Bulls point guard Nate Robinson likes his kicks, in fact, dude has one of the illest collections going around. If you don’t believe us then just YouTube some of his videos, you’ll see what we mean. So, when the Bulls visited Barclays Center last night to face the Nets we decided to catch up with Nate and have a chat to him about his kicks, why NBA players seem to be switching shoes at half-time more often, and also grabbed his thoughts on whether teammate Jimmy Butler would make a good addition to the All-Star game dunk contest.

Right after that we caught Taj Gibson – a Brooklyn native – on his way back to the Chicago locker room and got his thoughts on the new arena in Brooklyn, and what having a team in his home borough means to the people in the community.

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